The Introverted Minister

By Rebekah Bell

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When thinking of those in ministry, most people think of individuals “full of personality” – people who are larger than life, confident, expressive, and sociable. This is frequently the case. Extroverts make fantastic ministers as their gifts lend them toward the demands of their office such as speaking in front of crowds, attending events like weddings, funerals, and celebrations, and leading ministries.

However, God does not only call extroverts into ministry. Sometimes God calls the people we least expect. God can call introverts into ministry too. This does not mean that God expects introverts to play the part of an extrovert in order to serve faithfully. No, indeed. God places introverts into ministry because introverts, too, have valuable gifts to offer and use to lead their flock.

Read more about introverts here

  • Introverts Notice Things

Introverts tend to be perceptive individuals. They can detect emotions and struggles within people that others might not notice. Their quieter and more contemplative attitudes give them a sensitivity to what others are feeling and experiencing. Introverts absorb what is going on around them. This sensitivity allows introverts to be compassionate leaders who can adapt to lead people experiencing a range of emotions.

  • Introverts Are Often Gifted in Spiritual Practices

Introverts are a set of people devoted to prayer. They are good at “listening” to God because they do not always have to be talking. Introverts can lead people in spiritual practices that require removing themselves from the noise and distractions of the world and meeting with God one-on-one. These types of practices are increasingly lacking in our world today, making them a valuable quality in a minister.

  • Introverts Are Learners

As we have said before, ministers tend to absorb what is going on around them. This also makes them good learners. They do not always have to have the last word. They are good at listening and contemplating their answers rather than just speaking because they feel they have to or to be heard. If an introvert preaches something from the pulpit, it is often something they have thought and prayed over and feel is important enough to be spoken. There is often weight to everything they feel need to say.

  • Introverts Know How to Just Be There For Others

Introverts are great at comforting others because they understand that often, people in crisis do not need platitudes or words of wisdom, but simply the ministry of presence. Introverts are good at being present for people in their time of need and sitting with them in the quiet and questions of trauma and pain. Just holding someone’s hand can often say more than a million words ever could.

  • Introverts Don’t Mind Taking a Step Back

Most introverts do not mind playing second fiddle when it is necessary. For the most part, an introvert will take a step back and allow others to take charge when circumstances call for such action. Because of this, introverts can be good at delegating duties instead of being tempted to “take over.” They are good at building teams where all members have a voice and a seat at the table.

  • Introverts Are Relational Leaders

Introverts tend to lead through relationships. This is extremely valuable when it comes to reaching the lost or ministering to a community. People trust those with who they are in relationship with. It allows a minister to lead with love rather than through some other agenda. Relationships show people that we care, and introverts are great at this.

I have heard seminary professors and some Christians claim that being an extrovert is a superior way of being a Christian. This is simply untrue. God has created each of us uniquely in His own wisdom for His own purposes. We must live authentically to who God created us to be and strive to be faithful not in spite of it, but because of it. Introverts are vital to God’s kingdom.

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