Job Description
The Lead Church Planter Residency Program at Henderson Hills is designed to holistically equip, evaluate and send out qualified men who are called and preparing to serve as the lead pastor of a new church plant.
Reports To: Residency Director
Hours: 25 per week / Bi-vocational
Duration: 24 months
This position is bi-vocational. However, HHBC is committed to helping the residents secure reasonable and affordable housing, search for part-time employment opportunities and provide training to help raise financial support (if needed).
Program Description:
This program is an approximately 24 month long, post-graduate, mentored ministry training program. It is designed for proven leaders who are seminary trained (or equivalent), who are also within 24-30 months of planting and are interested in a church-based pathway to assessment and partnership with the SEND Network and/or other like-minded sending agencies or partner churches.
Successful applicants will be gifted and motivated men who also meet the qualifications for eldership as outlined in the New Testament (see 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). They will have completed a graduate degree in biblical or theological studies (MA, MDiv, or equivalent) and will already possess substantial and relevant leadership experience.
While the first year will be more developmental in nature, a second year (“finishing school” or “fellowship”) will be added for endorsed residents to plan, build, and launch a new church. This would include developing a church-planting plan and “playbook” (an overall strategy for planting, shepherding, evangelism, discipleship, fund raising, core team development and church planting team, etc.; as well as, beliefs and convictions, policies and procedures, timelines, and more) and would involve “on the ground” engagement in the target community.
The core of this program will build around a rigorous 10-month schedule (generally August through May) of holistic “head, heart, and hands” training, with possible additional time and development depending upon assessments and recommended next-steps (“growth plan”).
Residents will receive ongoing feedback and assessment, as well as an end-of-the-year evaluation designed to help steer the second half of the residency and/or to provide direction post-residency.
Throughout the program, theological reflection, skill development, character transformation and spiritual maturity will be emphasized. The end goal is that humble, gospel-centered, multiplication-minded pastors will be launched into a lifetime of fruitful ministry and church planting. Like flying a plane or practicing medicine, “hands on experience” under supervision and guidance is essential to this type of formation.
Residents will be expected to live and serve in a manner worthy of the gospel (Philippians 1:27), by God’s grace, seeking to love God in all of life, to love others sacrificially, and to make joyful, passionate disciples of Jesus (Matthew 22:37-39; 28:18-20).
All residents will participate in an evaluation process through this program and will be formally assessed by the North American Mission Board / SEND Network (typically by the end of the first year). No residents are guaranteed an endorsement, but pending the results of these evaluations, some residents will be endorsed and directed in next steps. Church planting residents who are endorsed by the SEND Network can be partially funded by SEND as an “apprentice” for another year of preparation before they are further endorsed as SEND church
planters and sent out by HHBC.
Other details:
• Residents will need to live near or relocate to the Edmond area, and housing may be provided (pending availability).
• Residents should commit to being deeply involved in the life and ministry of HHBC (regularly attending and participating in the weekly services and other ministries and gathering of the church).
• Likewise, residents are required to attend the membership class and to join church membership at the earliest opportunity.
• Required books will be provided.
• Residents should be prepared to supplement their income by either working a part-time job (that does not conflict with residency schedule and expectations) or by fundraising.
Among other things, Residents will:
1. Attend and participate in weekly training meetings.
2. Complete various study assignments.
3. Participate in various Roundtable Discussions with seasoned practitioners and church planters.
4. Journal 1-2 page weekly reflections on soul work and lessons being learned through study and experience.
5. Participate in church plant site visits.
6. Network with other like-minded church planters.
7. Connect with and interview a variety of experienced pastors, planters and missional leaders.
8. Participate in a variety of pastoral care/shepherding observation opportunities.
9. Participate in a mission trip (possibly local or global).
10. Maintain and deepen a consistent practice of spiritual disciplines.
11. Attend all relevant staff meetings.
12. Observe certain Ministry Leadership Team, elder, and deacon meetings.
13. Gain exposure to and experience in all the major ministries of HHBC.
14. Each resident and his spouse (if married) will meet with one of our pastors at least once per month to receive coaching, care and encouragement.
Head, Heart, Hands:
Weekly training sessions/cohorts will cover a number of meaningful and practical ministry, leadership and spiritual growth topics.
Talent and ability can only take a leader so far, but character and spiritual depth can keep them for the long haul. Assessment and coaching will ask hard questions, helping the resident to grow in depth and to relentlessly trust and follow Christ. Before we become useful servants to God, we must remember that we are first and foremost His accepted and beloved children in Christ – grounding all that we do in His grace toward us in the gospel.
Residents will be placed in live ministry settings in order to take all of the head and heart knowledge and to put it into practice. We believe that the application of sound biblical doctrine will lead people to put their “hand to the plow” in ways that love and serve God by loving and serving other people. Our residents will do just that, through immersive experiences of mentored ministry.
Who should apply? Someone who…
1. …joyfully affirms HHBC’s mission, vision, values, and statement of faith.
2. …has a passionate love for God and wants to deepen that relationship.
3. …is spiritually mature and meets the qualifications of an elder in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
4. …is able to devote the necessary time and energy to this residency program.
5. …has a strong gospel-centered orientation in theology and life.
6. …has a commitment to a team approach to ministry and church planting, as well as to a plural form of church governance.
7. …is a proven communicator and teacher.
8. …demonstrates genuine love for people.
9. …is a proven disciple maker.
10. …has formal theological training through a Bible college or seminary.
11. …has substantial ministry experience, evidenced by past performance.
12. …demonstrates a clear and compelling call to church planting.
13. …is humble, teachable, self-aware, and willing to be evaluated in a church-based, hands-on training environment.
14. …is a visionary and entrepreneurial leader (has demonstrated experience in starting new ministries and gathering others to join and follow him).
15. …is a self-starter.
16. …has a seasoned and strong work ethic.
17. …demonstrates courage, grit, joy, and tenacity.
18. …has spousal alignment (if married).
Support / Compensation
- Housing may be provided (depending upon availability)
- $1,000 per month stipend
- Required books will be provided.
- Residents should be prepared to supplement their income as needed – either by working a part-time job (that does not conflict with residency schedule and expectations) or by fundraising.
- Residents who are endorsed by the SEND Network can be partially and additionally funded by SEND as an “apprentice” for the second year of preparation and launch.
- HHBC will come alongside endorsed planters and their new church by partnering financially, logistically, and through ministry teams and volunteers, etc.
How to apply:
Submit a cover letter and resume to Mark Callarman by email.
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