Co-Pastor Part time

@ First Baptist Church in Freeport Email Job Print Job
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    Job Description

    Co-Pastor, First Baptist Church of Freeport, Maine

    This is a half-time position focused on administration and congregational care requiring approximately 25 hours per week.

    Role Description

    • The Co-Pastor (CP) will work alongside the Teaching Co-Pastor (TP) to strengthen, equip, and minister to the congregation.
    • The CP will help shepherd the flock of God primarily through discipleship, care, counseling, and administration. He will be part of a team of leadership laborers that includes the TP, the Elders and the Deacons.
    • The CP will help lead the congregation along with the Elders of the church. He will oversee day to day church operations and communications, ensuring the church’s ministries, committees, finances, church website and other functions are in order.
    • The CP will supervise the Administrative Assistant and volunteers as needed, as well as resource committees.
    • The CP will administer ordinances such as the Lord’s Supper and baptism and perform other services as required, such as baby dedications, weddings and funerals, in cooperation with the TP.


    • Prayer: The CP will spend focused time praying for the needs of the church and his own spiritual growth.
    • Vision: The CP will help develop and fulfill the church’s vision and mission by praying, studying the Scripture and being sensitive to the active work of the Holy Spirit. He will work to create and maintain a culture of discipleship and evangelism within the church body.
    • Equipping: The CP will help to equip the congregation to carry out the ministry of Jesus’ disciples in the church, in the community and in the world, recognizing congregants as valuable co-laborers in ministry and proactively, prayerfully and persistently recruiting them for the work of ministry.
    • Care: The CP will provide pastoral care for the church body. He will respond to phone messages and will be part of a care team that visits members who are sick or isolated. He will provide counseling and/or referrals for those needing further pastoral or psychological assistance.
    • Teaching: The CP may preach on Sunday mornings when the TP is unavailable. He may, as his schedule permits, also teach the congregation in the form of Bible studies, classes, and/or discussion groups.
    • Cooperation: The CP will meet regularly with the TP for support and mutual accountability. He will also meet with the Elders and will maintain cooperative relations with American Baptist Churches of Maine, churches and pastors in the Bowdoinham Baptist Association and other area churches and pastors.


    • Time: It is expected that the CP will devote approximately 25 hours per week in fulfilling his responsibilities.
    • Compensation: The CP will receive an annual compensation of $37,000-42,000 and appropriate amounts for professional expenses and conferences/continuing education annually.

    Vacation: The CP is to receive 3.5 weeks off per year for refreshment and focused time with family.

    Qualifications: • Consistent spiritual and moral character and lifestyle, fulfilling the biblical qualities of an Elder as described in 1 Timothy 3: 1-13 and Titus 1:6-9 • Commitment to biblical Christian principles and teachings, both professionally and personally • Ability to work well within an Elder Board • Ability to connect with people and promote a warm and caring culture inside and outside the church • Ability to listen attentively and to communicate clearly, both orally and in written form • Ability to pass a criminal, credit and sexual misconduct background check

    To Apply

    Please send the following by email.

    1. A resume or other documentation of your education and employment history. We would appreciate it if the following information were included:
    2. Denomination
    3. Church membership and affiliation
    4. A cover letter including but not limited to:
    5. Reasons for applying
    6. Life experiences relevant to the position
    7. A brief doctrinal statement

    A representative of our search committee will confirm receipt of your application and let you know when to expect to hear further from the committee.

    Pam Davis / 404-368-1120
    Application deadline closed.

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