Ministry is a calling. It is, in reality, the basic call of every Christian – to go forth and make disciples. This can be accomplished differently in each life. However, some are called to ministry as a vocation – they choose to make ministry their career path. Their entire life is devoted to the church and to ministry. This requires a great deal of sacrifice and fortitude. It frequently involves throwing yourself into the fire – you see not just the pretty rewarding parts of ministry, but the day-to-day strife that is often involved.
ministry jobs Weslyan jobs Ministry jobs, church jobs, church leaders
ministry jobs Weslyan jobs Ministry jobs, church jobs, church leaders
Yet, if all are called to the purposes of the Kingdom, why are some paid for their efforts? Are they “special” in some way? Is it right for ministry to be a day job? What does the Bible say about all of this?
- The Church Needs Leaders
Those who are called to ministry as a vocation are not more “special” than other Christians. However, they have been called to a special purpose. This is both a blessing and a burden. The church could not be maintained without leadership. Leaders are responsible for leading and guiding a congregation. They are able to devote their time to maintain church logistics and church health. Great leaders do not only do this, but act as servants of the people in their flock. Jesus called Peter as a leader of the first church, and He continues to call leaders to lead churches today. Jesus has set aside shepherds to “feed his sheep.”
- The Church Has Always Supported its Leaders
In Acts and the letters of Paul, we see evidence that early on, the Church supported its missionaries and leadership. Christians funded Paul’s mission in order to make it possible for him to spread the Gospel to those who had not heard of Jesus. In this way, the church was able to participate in the work of God around the world. Pay and benefits allow ministers to continue to do the same thing today.
- We Care For Those Who Care For Us
The church is called to care for one another, and that includes caring for the leadership that shepherds a church today. While ministry is in many ways sacrificial, the church should not expect that a leader get nothing in return for their sacrifice. Providing for a minister through a salary, living allowance, travel allowance, etc. shows brotherly and family love to the one who guides and cares for the congregation.
- Full Time Ministers Focus Solely on Ministry
While all Christians are called to ministry, ministers are called specifically to focus on ministry and its functions as part of their day-to-day life. This means that they spend the week preparing sermons for a congregation, they may leave their family while on vacation in order to visit someone in the hospital or preach a funeral. They help resolve church conflict. They agree to live and breathe ministry in a unique way. While this is not superior to those who are called to live for Jesus in their own lives, it is a position that requires lots of spiritual, emotional, and physical energy. It involves specific tasks and a set of skills. Because of this, ministry is indeed valid as a career path.
I believe that ministry does indeed qualify as a career path and warrants pay and benefits just as other jobs do. Churches should support their ministers just as ministers support the church. It has been this way from the beginning.
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